

Understanding your business is an important step to find the best solutions. Let's set up a meeeting!


These are the locations where we operate.

Contact Us

We will assist you with of all your needs in order to find the solutions or products that best fit your goals.
About us

We are your partner

We have a proven record of 19 years being a main supplier to major retail stores, wholesalers, resellers in the US, and Latin America by offering our business partners the latest technology, service, post-sale programs, and local distribution.

Satisfied Customers

Product Categories

We are giving the best products for you.


We are giving the best services for you.

Commercial Team

We have an experienced team of KAM's to support market development between customers and brands.

Logistic Services

International transport, local shipment to urban and rural areas, monitoring all shipping performance to increase productivity.

Flexible Payment Terms

Capability to provide credit quotas to customers by major insurers.

Let's plan your business

Talk to an agent Today
Our team will review the different opportunities to accomplish your goals effectively.

Logistic Solutions

Lowest rates in US
MV Communications is a provider of low-cost logistic services in USA.

Shop Now, Pay Later

Different payment options available!
Get your products ASAP and pay later with our business credit program.

Our Brands

We Carry the most important brands around the globe.

275 +
Satisfied Clients
55 +
Expert Team
285 +
Activate Deals
29 +
Awards Winning

We always work with the best team

We win because our business partners win, that is why we make our best effort to help our clients strive in their business. By offering a successful formula of quality products, competitive prices, ensuring appropriate wrapping and shipping methods as well as delivery times.


We have many clients world wide!

Our optimum customer speaks lauder than words, we deliver the latest technology to stores and retail centers across Latin America. Serving hundreds of business in the industry, our established brand name and years of proven experience are a testament of our professionalism and triumph.

147 +
Partners in world wide

Tell us about what you want!

We won’t spam you, we promise!


    We are very happy to get client’s review!

    You can request for call back, we will call!

    We will understand your business needs and develop a strategy to help you grow your sales and product catalog!

    Contact info

    Requesting a Call:

    (305) 513-9490

    [email protected]

    Mail to us

    2351 NW 93rd Ave

    Doral, FL, USA

    Contact us for more information!

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